Story Focus Statement Guide

A good idea is the key to a successful Final Project. The point of this "story idea" exercise is to give me an opportunity to make sure your on the right track and if there is a problem, allow you plenty of time to find a better idea.

When Final Projects don't work, it's almost always because the student didn't turn in a story idea or they changed it without getting my approval for the new idea. It's fine to change your idea but PLEASE get my approval for the new idea. You can email it or even text it.


You are to turn in a story proposal for you Final Project:

Objective: The object of the Final Project is to tell an interesting 1:30 to 3:00 story of significance. The story may be serious or humorous. It will be a mixture of stills, video and sound. It should be something that others will find interesting.

Differences between Video Sequence and Final Project:

Your Proposal: Turn in a one page, typed story idea. You will upload this to Canvas as a Word .doc file.All stories should include an “action element” – somebody does something, someone makes something, an event occurs (it’s something that has a clearly defined beginning, middle and end that you can shoot and include in your story.)
The story idea you hand in should include:

Focus Statement:
The story idea you summit MUST begin with a focus statement. Make this a headline – put it at the top of the page. Start a new paragraph and describe the rest of the assignment. I WANT YOUR FOCUS STATEMENT TO STAND OUT.

Focus can be expressed as a simple, vivid, declarative sentence that describes the heart of the story; as it will be on the air. It should include a subject, verb, and noun.

Story Details:
A paragraph or two explaining the details behind the story and why you feel it is something that will be of interest to a wide audiance.  This is the Who, What, Where, When and Why.

How will you visualize the story?
What is going to happen – what’s the action you will photograph?
Describe one or two sequences you will include in your story.
How will you avoid making this into a Talking Head/Video wallpaper story?
What will make this a multimedia story and not a radio or newspaper story?

Be sure to answer these questions:
Is there someone you can focus on and use to tell the bigger story?
Who will you talk with and why will they make a good interesting?
What locations will you visit?
How can you complete this story in a timely manner?
Are there any special considerations?
So what? Who cares? Why will this story be of interest to a wider audience?

This is not just a slogan:
Telling important stories by
Introducing us to interesting people and
Making us care about what happens to them.
